In a nutshell...

I'm a UI/UX designer, brand designer, and creative director based in Houston, Texas. I've spent the last 15 years bringing a visual voice to brands, and solving problems through thoughtful design. I love collaborating with brands who understand the value of good design and can see the potential that engaging storytelling can provide to enhance the customer experience.

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Liver Habits Score


Content Strategy
Product Design
Webflow Development

How well do you know your liver?

Prioritizing liver health means much more than cutting out alcohol. In fact, much of our daily activities impact liver health.   At Cheers, I was responsible for developing the strategy, content, and UX for the Liver Habits Score — a quiz designed to help you better understand how your lifestyle affects your overall liver health, while shining a spotlight on the body's hardest working organ.


The Motivation

As leaders in alcohol-related health, Cheers' vision is for responsible individuals to enjoy alcohol throughout a long and happy life. The mission? Give them the proper tools to make that happen. The Liver Habits Score was a natural progression of the brand, and a new way to flex Cheers' best-used muscle: A compelling science-backed approach to selling supplements without actually selling the products.


The Rubric

First we needed to understand all the factors that contribute to a person's overall liver health. Exercise, lifestyle, diet, supplements, and other activities independent from alcohol all have some bearing on your liver health. We weighted each category, then assigned scoring parameters for each outcome.


The Experience

This 14-question quiz dives into lifestyle habits that will eventually fall into 3 categories: alcohol consumption, BMI & exercise, and diet & eating habits.


The Results

Where methodology meets messaging. Jam packed with a full breakdown of the methodology, your total score, your score per category, and your score per sub-category. Diving deeper will lead to corresponding educational content for further reading & learning.

The below scale is an interactive piece taken straight from the results experience:

Let's talk about the scale

Each of your responses will fall on this color-coded scale. Points are assigned based on your lifestyle and weighted according to the category’s importance to your overall liver health. These points are then added up to calculate your liver habits score. Learn more about our methodology.
Stop Now: The areas where you need to change your habits ASAP. 
Bad: You could be doing much better in these areas.
Minimum: The bare minimum of what you should be doing for liver health.
Better: You’re on the right track but need to adjust your habits slightly.
Best: You’re doing what you can to keep your liver in great shape.


Beyond the Quiz

Multiple touchpoints throughout the user experience provides education and opportunities for taking the quiz.


Let's create together.
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